
Contributions to Mercy House are tax deductible. Mercy House is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Donate to Mercy House

There are 2 ways to donate with us:

Physical Item Donations

Donations of clothing and furniture are accepted at the Thrift Store, Boutique, and Building Supply Store.

The money from the sale of donated items directly supports Mercy House residents. If you would like to speak to someone about donating household items, please call our Thrift Store at (540) 433-3272 or visit our retail store website for more info. Scheduled, free pick-up is available.

Monetary Donations

By clicking the “Donate” button below, you can donate online using your credit or debit card. We appreciate your financial support! If you prefer to send a check to benefit Mercy House, please mail to:

Mercy House, Inc.
PO Box 1478
Harrisonburg VA 22803

Mercy House participates in the Neighborhood Assistance Program. Please contact us at (540) 432-1812 to determine if your donation is eligible.